The School of Physical, Environmental and Mathematical Sciences at the UNSW Canberra @ADFA in conjunction with the Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management (SARCCM) invites applicants for a postdoctoral research associate (Level A)

Date: 21 February 2017
Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate/Fellow in Coastal Ocean Modelling/Sediment Transport Dynamics
Faculty/School: The Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management
Position Number:
UNSW Canberra @ ADFA Level: Level A $89,051- $95,248 pa + super
This position is a Two-year fixed-term contract with the possibility of extension subject to funding
Reports To: Dr Xiao Hua Wang, SARCCM Director
Staff Supervised Directly: 1
Staff Reporting Indirectly: 0
The Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management (SARCCM, in conjunction with the School of Physical, Environmental and Mathematical Sciences at the UNSW Canberra at Australian Defence Force Academy (UNSW Canberra @ ADFA), invites applicants for a postdoctoral research associate role in support of research activities at the interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary Centre and establishment of UNSW-Ocean University of China (OUC) Double-Master-Degrees Program.
The applicant will be responsible for the establishment of UNSW-OUC Double-Master-Degrees Program ( The Double-Master-Degrees Program is set up to enhance research collaboration and joint training between UNSW and OUC. It comprises the Master degree program from OUC and the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree program from UNSW. While this Double-Master-Degrees Program is offered to students in all discipline areas including science, engineering, humanities and business, initially priority will be given to students in coastal oceanography and management. You will be involved in supervising/co-supervising MPhil student projects as well as limited teaching activities at undergraduate levels at UNSW Canberra @ ADFA.
The position reports to Dr Xiao Hua Wang, Director of SARCCM.
The position is accountable to SARCCM.
A PhD or equivalent in physical oceanography, sediment transport dynamics or ocean modelling, or related field.
Demonstrated experience in conducting excellent research in hydrodynamics and sediment transport dynamics in estuaries and coastal oceans.
Demonstrated experience in running various configurations of ocean models for understanding mechanisms/processes, and in using data for model validation/verification.
Demonstrated ability to have supervised and co-supervised postgraduate students to successful completions.
Demonstrated ability to work flexibly and independently as well as part of a team and to form and maintain effective working relationships with a range of colleagues and collaborators.
Demonstrated excellent written and verbal communication skills including the ability to document results and communicate effectively with colleagues and clients in order to meet project goals and timelines.
Demonstrated high level proficiency in Chinese language (reading, writing, speaking, listening).
Demonstrated experience and skill in ocean observation and field works.
Demonstrated experience using data visualisation software and web design (e.g., Matlab, html).
Demonstrated experience in undergraduate teaching.
For additional information regarding the position, please contact Dr Xiao Hua Wang, on (02) 62688473 or email: