SARCCM publications by year

SARCCM publications by year


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

Md Wasif E Elahi, Xiao Hua Wang, Elizabeth A. Ritchie. 2025. Cyclone-induced storm surge flooding in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta under different mean-sea level rise scenarios. Ocean Dynamics. In press.

Nazeat Ameen Iqra, Jun Li, Xiao Hua Wang, Gang Yang, 2025. Wave prediction using Graph Neural Network at Darwin Harbour, Australia. Regional Studies in Marine Science. In press.

Yuanfei Gu; Jian Yang; Yue Ma; Yao Li; Nan Xu,  Xiao Hua Wang. 2025, Ranging bias correction of fully saturated data over waters for ICESat-2 photon-counting lidar. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Doi:10.1109/TGRS.2025.3541241.

Nan Xu, Lin Wang, Yue Ma, Xin Ma, Xiao Hua Wang. 2025. Constructing intertidal topography for sandy beaches by combining Sentinel-2 imagery and water level data. Geo-spatial Information Science.


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

Nan Xu, Lin Wang, Hao Xu, Yue Ma, and Xiao Hua Wang, 2024. Deriving accurate intertidal topography for sandy beaches derived by ICESat-2data and Sentinel-2 imagery. J. Remote Sens..

Huiying Zheng, Hao Liu, Jian Yang, Yue Ma, Xiao Hua Wang. 2024. Deriving Water Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient Kd Using ICESat-2 Bathymetric Information. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. DOI 10.1109/LGRS.2024.3494800.

MURSHED, S., GRIFFIN, A. L., ISLAM, M. A., OLIVER, T., WANG, X. H. & PAULL, D. 2024. A Framework for Appraising the Status of Disaster-Resilience within the Multi-Hazard Environment of Coastal Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. In press.

Yuwei Hu, Xiao Hua Wang, Helen Beggs and Chunzai Wang, 2024. An analysis of historical Marine Heatwaves over the Australian region based on multiple satellite observation products. Weather and Climate Extremes, In press.

X.H. Wang and Lulu Qiao (ed.), 2024. Current trends in estuarine and coastal dynamics - Observations and Modelling. Elsevier, pp430, ISBN 9780443217289

X.H. Wang, 2024. Dynamic response of coasts and estuaries to human impacts: Problems and solutions, Springer, pp118, ISBN 978-3-031-63299-0

Hai Sun, Qiwei Yu, Xiao Hua Wang, Xiaowei Zhang, Xuejing Ruan, 2024. Exploring sustainable watershed flood risks management: an innovative TFAHP-TOPSIS methodology in the Georges River Basin, Australia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. SARCCM paper No 102.

Wenjun Zhu, Xiao Hua Wang and William Peirson, 2024. Impact of Climate Change on Major Floods in the Georges River Estuary, Australia. Environmental Research Letters. In press. SARCCM paper No 103.

Liu Wan, Xiao Hua Wang and Wen Wu, 2024. Assessment of coastal eco-environmental sustainable development under multiple pressures: A case study of Jiaozhou Bay, China. Journal of Environmental Management. SARCCM paper No 104.

Wenjun Zhu, Xiao Hua Wang, William Peirson, Julio Salcedo-Castro, 2024. An Assessment of Climate Model Predictions of Climate-change Induced Extreme Storms on the East Australia Temperate Coast. International Journal of Climatology. In press. SARCCM paper No 101.


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

Li Li, Yihan Ren, Taoyan Ye, Xiao Hua Wang, Jianyu Hu, and Yuezhang Xia, 2023. Positive feedback between the tidal flat variations and sediment dynamics: an example study in the macro-tidal turbid Hangzhou Bay. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. In press.

Fanlin Yang, Chao Qi, Dianpeng Su, Yue Ma, Yan He, Xiao Hua Wang, Jiaoyang Liu, 2023. Modeling and analyzing water column forward scattering effect on airborne LiDAR bathymetry. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. In press

Yue Ma, Lin Wang, Nan Xu, Shiyi Zhang, Xiao Hua Wang, Song Li, 2023. Estimating coastal slope of sandy beach from ICESat-2: a case study in Texas. Environmental Research Letters. In press.

Yongming Jin and Xiaoyu Yu, 2023, Japan's "Indo-Pacific Strategy": Its formation, motivation and benefit analysis. Journal of Ocean University of China (Social Sciences), 3: 109-118 (in Chinese with English abstract)

Lu Jiang, Jing Yu, and Quanbin Wang, 2023, Comparative analysis of research status and hotspots on the coupling relationship between mangroves and climate change in China and UAS based on bibliometrics. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology, 45(1): 156-163 (in Chinese with English abstract)

Kuncheng ZhangJing Yu, Xiaole Wan, Shizheng Tian, Jiale Wu, Na Liu, and Donghai Wang, 2023, Data-driven decision-making of marine ecological civilization construction in island county of China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 240: 106631

Chen Ma, Vanessa Stelzenmüller, Jennifer Rehren, Jing Yu, Zhiwei Zhang, Hao Zheng, Lu Lin, Hee-Cheol Yang, and Yinhuan Jin, 2023, A risk-based approach to cumulative effects assessment for large marine ecosystems to support transboundary marine spatial planning: A case study of the yellow sea. Journal of Environmental Management, 342: 118165

Xiao Hua Wang and M. W. E. Elahi, 2023, Influence of wave-current interaction on a cyclone-induced storm surge event in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta: Part 2. Effects on wave, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,

M. W. E. Elahi, Xiao Hua Wang, J. Salcedo-Castro, and E. A. Ritchie, 2023, Influence of wave-current interaction on a cyclone-induced storm surge event in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta: Part 1. Effects on water level, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,

Fanglou Liao, Xiao Hua Wang, and Erick Fredj, 2023, Forecasting marine debris spill accumulation patterns in the southeastern Australia: a spatial and temporal analysis, and comparison with observation. Ocean Dynamics, 73, pages91–106.

Li L, Xu J, Ren Y, WangX. H. and Xia Y, 2023. Effects of wave-current interactions on sediment dynamics in Hangzhou Bay during Typhoon Mitag. Front. Earth Sci. 10:931472. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.931472

Shaoyu Li, Xiao Hua Wang, Yue Ma, Fanlin Yang, 2023. Satellite-derived bathymetry with sediment classification using ICESat-2 and multispectral imagery: case studies in the South China Sea and Australia. Remote Sensing. SARCCM paper No 97.


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

Sanzida Murshed, Amy Griffin, Md Ashraful Islam, Xiao Hua Wang and David Paull, 2022. Assessing multi-climate-hazard threat in the coastal region of Bangladesh by combining influential environmental and anthropogenic factors. Progress in Disaster Science, In press.

Jian Yang, Yue Ma, Huiying Zheng, Nan Xu, Kai Zhu, Xiao Hua Wang, Song Li, 2022. Derived depths in opaque waters using ICESat-2 photon-counting lidar. Geophysical Research Letters, In press.

Chao Qi, Yue Ma, Dianpeng Su, Fanlin Yang, Jiaoyang Liu, Xiao Hua Wang, 2022. A method to decompose airborne LiDAR bathymetric waveform in very shallow waters combining deconvolution with curve fitting, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 10.1109/LGRS.2022.3212110.

Xie, S.; WangX. H.; Hu, Y.; Huang, Z, 2022. Spatial Analysis of a Rapid Intrusion Event of the East Australian Current Using High Frequency Radar Data. Remote Sens. 14, 4199.

Huiying Zheng, Yue Ma, Jue Huang, Jian Yang,  Dianpeng Su, Fanlin Yang, and Xiao Hua Wang, 2022, Deriving vertical profiles of chlorophyll-a concentration in the upper layer of seawaters using ICESat-2 photon-counting lidar. Optics Express. 30(18), 33320-33336.

Liu Wan, Xiao Hua Wang and William Peirson, 2022. Impacts of climate change and non-point-source pollution on water quality and algal blooms in the Shoalhaven River estuary, NSW, Australia. Water.

Zafar Ullah, Wen Wu, Xiao Hua Wang, 2022. Improving coastal and marine resources management through a co-management approach: A case study of Pakistan, Environmental Research Communications.

Nan Xu, Yue Ma, Zhongwang Wei, Conghong Huang, Guoyuan Li, Huiying Zheng, Xiao Hua Wang, 2022. Satellite observed recent rising water levels of global lakes and reservoirs. Environmental Research Letters,

Wenjun Zhu, Xiao Hua Wang, William Peirson, Julio Salcedo-Castro, 2022. An Assessment of Climate Model Predictions of Climate-change Induced Extreme Storms on the East Australia Temperate Coast. Journal of Climate. Submitted.

Li Li, Yihan Ren, Xiao Hua Wang, Yuezhang Xia, 2022, Sediment dynamics in a tidal flat of macro-tidal Hangzhou Bay during Typhoon Mitag, Continental Shelf Research,

Zhibing LI, Zhongya CAI, Z. Q. Liu, Xiao Hua WANG, Jianyu HU, 2022. A novel identification method for unrevealed mesoscale eddies with transient and weak features-Capricorn Eddies as an example. Remote Sensing Environment,

X. H. Wang and G. Yang, 2022. Comment on "The Cross-Shore Component in the Vertical Structure of Wave-Induced Currents and Resulting Offshore Transport" by Lu et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, SARCCM paper No 96. SARCCM paper No 96.

N. Xu, Y. Ma, J. Yang, X. H. Wang, Y. Wang and R. Xu, 2022, Deriving Tidal Flat Topography Using ICESat-2 Laser Altimetry and Sentinel-2 Imagery, Geophysical Research Letters.

Yang, G., X. H. Wang, Y. Zhong and T. Oliver, (2022). Modelling study on the sediment dynamics, the formation of the flooding tidal delta near Cullendulla Beach and the impact of human activities in the Batemans Bay, Australia. Marine Geology. SARCCM paper No 95.


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

Yuwei Hu, Helen Beggs and Xiao Hua Wang, 2021. Inter-comparison of High-Resolution SST Climatologies over the Australian region, JGR Oceans. 10.1029/2021JC017221.

Liu Wan, Liu Dahai, Xiao Hua Wang and Wang Chunjuan, 2021. Analysis of international seabed environmental protection system and China's practice (In Chinese), Ocean Development and Management, In Press.

Fanglou Liao, Peng Zhan, Xiao Hua Wang and Zhiqiang Liu, 2021. Recent cooling in the lower Pacific Ocean based on dynamical-consistence ocean syntheses, Geophysical Research Letters, Submitted.

Fanglou Liao, Xiao Hua Wang and Zhiqiang Liu, 2021. Comparison of ocean heat content from two eddy-resolving hindcast simulations with OFES1 and OFES2. Geoscientific Model Development, In Press.

Elahi, M.W.E., Wang, X. H., and Ritchie, E.A. “Cyclone-induced storm surge flooding in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta under different mean-sea level rise scenarios”, Journal of Ocean Modelling, Elsevier. Submitted. SARCCM paper No 94.

Huiming Zhang, Luojia Hu, Dong Zhang, Yong Zhou, Yue Ma, Xiao Hua Wang, Yuqing Wang, Min Xu & Nan Xu, 2021: A Method to Derive Tidal Flat Topography in Nantong, China Using MODIS Data and Tidal Levels, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing,

Nan Xu, Huiying Zheng, Yue Ma, Jian Yang, Xinyuan Liu, Xiao Hua Wang, 2021. Global estimation and assessment of monthly lake/reservoir water level changes using ICESat-2 ATL13 products. Remote sensing, In Press.

Nan Xu, Xin Ma, Yue Ma, Pufan Zhao, Jian Yang, Xiao Hua Wang, 2021. Deriving highly accurate shallow water bathymetry from Sentinel-2 and ICESat-2 datasets by a multi-temporal stacking method. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, In Press.

Zhengui Wang, Fei Chai, Huijie Xue, Xiao Hua Wang, Yinglong J Zhang, Richard Dugdale, Frances P Wilkerson, 2021, Light regulation of phytoplankton growth in San Francisco Bay studied using a 3D sediment transport model, Frontiers Marine Science. In Press.

Cruz-Gómez R.C., J. Salcedo-Castro & F.A. Velázquez. 2021. Interaction of the Mexican Coastal Current with Cabo Corrientes and Bahía Banderas, México. Observations and Experimental results. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. Submitted. SARCCM paper No 93.

Francisco Pozo-Solar, Marcela Cornejo-D'Ottone, Roberto Orellana, Daniela V. Yepsen, Nicolás B. Bassi, Julio Salcedo-Castro, Verónica Molina. 2021. Greenhouse gases distribution and the modulating role of salinity in coastal wetlands from semiarid region of the eastern South Pacific. Science of the Total Environment. Submitted. SARCCM paper No 92.

Cruz-Gómez R.C. & J. Salcedo-Castro. 2021. Determination of density profile by using the refractive index in a linearly salt-stratified fluid: An experiment for an advanced undergraduate laboratory. American Journal of Physics. Submitted. SARCCM paper No 91.

M. W. E. Elahi, X. H. Wang, J. Salcedo-Castro, and E. A. Ritchie, 2021, Influence of wave-current interaction on a cyclone-induced storm surge event in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta, JGR Oceans, submitted. SARCCM paper No 90.

Gang Yang, Xiao Hua Wang, Zhixin Cheng, Yi Zhong, Thomas Oliver, 2021. Modelling study on estuarine circulation and its effect on turbidity maximum zone in the Yalu River Estuary, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. SARCCM paper No 89.

Alexander Wang, Xiao Hua Wang, and Gang Yang, 2021. The effects of wind-driven storm events on embayed beaches in Batemans Bay, New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.

Wenhao Zhang, Nan Xu, Yue Ma, Zhiyu Zhang, Xiao Hua Wang, Song Li, 2021, Bathymetric capacity model for satellite photon-counting lidars, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,

Senyang Xie, Zhi Huang and Xiao Hua Wang, 2021, Remotely Sensed Seasonal Shoreward Intrusion of the East Australian Current: Implications for Coastal Ocean Dynamics. Remote Sensing. In Press.

Zafar Ullah, Wen Wu, Xiao Hua Wang, Syed Babar Hussain Shah, Rashid Pervez, 2021, Implementation of a marine spatial planning approach in Pakistan: An analysis of the benefits of an integrated approach to coastal and marine management. Ocean and Coastal Management.

Yong Zhou, Dong Zhang, Mark E.J. Cutler, Nan Xu, Xiao Hua Wang, Hongjie Sha, Yongming Shen, 2021. Estimating muddy intertidal flat slopes under varied coastal morphology using sequential satellite data and spatial analysis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Anna Maggiorano, Ming Feng, Xiao Hua Wang, Liz Ritchie, Clair Stark, Frank Colberg and Jim Greenwood, 2021, Hydrodynamic drivers of the 2013 marine heatwave on the North West Shelf of Australia. JGR Oceans, SARCCM paper no. 86


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

Dianpeng Su, Fanlin Yang, Yue Ma, Xiao Hua Wang, Anxiu Yang, Chao Qi, 2020. Propagated uncertainty Ranging error models arising from device, environment, and target for a small laser spot airborne LiDAR bathymetry and its verification in the South China Sea, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 5, 3213-3231

Wu, M., Zhao, Y.F., Sun, L.E., Huang, J., Wang, X.H., and Ma, Y., 2020. Remote sensing of spatial-temporal variation of chlorophyll-a in the Jiaozhou Bay using 32 years Landsat data. In: Jung, H.-S.; Lee, S.; Ryu, J.-H., and Cui, T.W. (eds.), Advances in Geospatial Research of Coastal Environments. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 102, pp. 271-279. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

Zhibing Li, Xiao Hua Wang, Jianyu Hu, Fernando Pinheiro Andutta, Zhiqiang Liu, 2020, A study on an anticyclonic-cyclonic eddy pair off Fraser Island, Australia. Frontiers in Marine Science, In Press. SARCCM paper No 84

Y. Yuan, I. Jalón-Rojas, X. H. Wang, 2020, Response of water-exchange capacity to human interventions in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. In Press. SARCCM paper no. 88

Nan Xu, Yue Ma, Hui Zhou, Wenhao Zhang, Zhiyu Zhang, Xiao Hua Wang, 2020, A Method to Derive Bathymetry for Dynamic Water Bodies Using ICESat-2 and GSWD Data Sets. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS. In Press.

M. W. E. Elahi. I. Jalón-Rojas, X. H. Wang and E. A. Ritchie, 2020. Influence of seasonal river discharge on tidal propagation in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta, Bangladesh. JGR Oceans. In Press. SARCCM paper No 71

Honglin Song, Cuiping Kuang, Xiao Hua Wang, Zhen Ma, 2020, Wave-current interactions during extreme weather conditions in southwest of Bohai Bay, China. Ocean Engineering,

X.H. Wang, F. Chai, L. Qiao, I. Jalon-Rójas, H. Wang and Y. P. Wang, 2020, The 3rd Workshop on Sediment Dynamics of Muddy Coasts and Estuaries: an Introduction and Synthesis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,

Yue Ma, Nan Xu, Zhen Liu, Bisheng Yang, Fanlin Yang, Xiao Hua Wang, Song Li, 2020, Satellite-derived bathymetry using the ICESat-2 lidar and Sentinel-2 imagery datasets. Remote Sensing of Environment.

Mingqi Wang, Xiao Hua Wang, Ran Zhou, Zhipeng Zhang, 2020, An Indicator Framework to Evaluate the Blue Bay Remediation Project in China. Regional Studies in Marine Science.

Senyang Xie, Zhi Huang, Xiao Hua Wang and Aero Leplastrier, 2020, Quantitative Mapping of the East Australian Current Encroachment using Time-series Himawari-8 Sea Surface Temperature Data. JGR Oceans. In Press. SARCCP paper No 64

Yandong Liu, Zhaozhao Li, Dahai Zhang, Lijuan Feng, Isabel Jalón-Rojas, Xiao Hua Wang, Erick Fredj and Xianguo Li, 2020, Assessing the potential risk and relationship between microplastics and phthalates in surface seawater of a heavily human-impacted metropolitan bay in northern China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.

Gang Yang, Xiao Hua Wang, Yi Zhong, Zhixin Cheng and Fernando P. Andutta, 2020, Wave effects on sediment dynamics in a macro-tidal estuary: Darwin Harbour, Australia during the monsoon season. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, SARCCP paper no 80

Z. Y. Xiao, X. H. Wang, D. Song, I. Jalón-Rojas and D. Harrison, 2020, Numerical modelling of suspended-sediment transport in a geographically complex microtidal estuary: Sydney Harbour Estuary, NSW, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, SARCCM paper No 55

Zhixin Cheng, Isabel Jalon-Rójas, Xiao Hua Wang and Yue Liu, 2020. Impacts of land reclamation on sediment transport and sedimentary environment in a macro-tidal estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, SARCCM paper no 75.

Nan Xu, Yue Ma, Wenhao Zhang, Xiao Hua Wang, 2020, Surface water level changes during 2003-2019 in Australia revealed by ICESat/ICESat-2 altimetry and Landsat imagery. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 10.1109/LGRS.2020.2996769.

Sui X., X.H. Wang and L. ZHAO, 2020, Using the Resource-Environment-Economy Coordination Degree Model to Guide China's National Blue Bay Remediation Action Plan in Qingdao. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 10.1007/s00343-020-9268-5.

Su, F. Yang, Y. Ma, X. H. Wang, X. Wang, C. Qi, 2020, Propagated uncertainty models arising from device, environment, and target for a small laser spot airborne LiDAR bathymetry and its verification in the South China Sea, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2951144 SARCCM paper No 52.

Y. Ma, N. Xu, W. Zhang, X. H. Wang, J. Sun, X. Feng, Y. Sun, 2020, Increasing water levels of global lakes between 2003 and 2009, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 10.1109/LGRS.2019.2920387. SARCCM paper No 66.


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

L. Li, T. Ye, Y. Yao, Y. Xia and X. H. Wang, 2019, Tracking the multidecadal variability of the surface turbidity maximum zone in Hangzhou Bay, China, International Journal of Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2019.1633701. SARCCM paper No 48.

X. H. Wang, Y. X. Gao, Q. Wang, T. He, W. Guan and F. Chai, 2019, Recent Development in Coastal Oceanography - Physics, Biology and their Interactions. Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society. In Press. SARCCM paper No 67.

Z. Zhang, Y. Ma, N. Xu, S. Li, J. Sun, X. H. Wang, 2019. Theoretical background noise rate over water surface for a photon-counting lidar and its application in land and sea cover classification, Optics Express, 2019, 27(20): A1490-A1505. SARCCM paper No 74.

Z. Cheng, X. H. Wang, I. Jalón-Rojas, Y. Liu, 2019. Reconstruction of sedimentation changes under anthropogenic influence in a medium-scale estuary based on a decadal chronological framework, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, In Press. SARCCM paper No 75.

I. Jalón-Rojas, X. H. Wang, E. Fredj, 2019. On the importance of a three-dimensional approach for modelling the transport of neustic microplastics, Ocean Science, 15, 717-724. SARCCM paper No 63.

Y. Ma, N. Xu, J. Sun, X. H. Wang, F. Yang, S. Li, 2019. Estimating water levels and volumes of lakes dated back to the 1980s using Landsat imagery and photon-counting lidar datasets, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019, 232, 111287. 10.1016/j.rse.2019.111287 SARCCM paper No 62.

Z. Xiao, X. H. Wang, M. Roughan, D. Harrison, 2019, Numerical modelling of the Sydney Harbour Estuary, New South Wales: Lateral circulation and asymmetric vertical mixing, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 10.1016/j.ecss.2018.11.004. SARCCM paper No 55.

S. Li, Z. Zhang, Y. Ma, H Zeng, P. Zhao, W. Zhang, Ranging performance models based on negative-binomial (NB) distribution for photon-counting lidars. Optics Express, 10.1364/OE.27.00A861.

Y. Yuan, I. Jalón-Rojas, X. H. Wang, D. Song, 2019, Design, construction, and application of a regional ocean database: A case study in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 10.1002/lom3.10304. SARCCM paper No 57.

Y. Ma , W. Zhang, J. Sun, G. Li, X. H. Wang, S. Li, N. Xu, 2019, Photon-counting lidar: an adaptive signal detection method for different land cover types in coastal areas, Remote Sensing, 10.3390/rs1104047. SARCCM paper No 65.

Y. Yuan, I. Jalón-Rojas, X. H. Wang, 2019, Impact of coastal infrastructures on ocean colour remote sensing: a case study in Jiaozhou Bay, China, Remote Sensing, 10.3390/rs11080946. SARCCM paper No 68.

Y. Xiao, X. H. Wang, E. A. Ritchie, F. Rizwi, L. L., Qiao, 2019, The development and evolution of the Burdekin River estuary freshwater plume during Cyclone Debbie (2017), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 224, 187-196. SARCCM paper No 46.

Z. Huang and X. H. Wang, 2019, Mapping the spatial and temporal variability of the upwelling systems of the Australian south-eastern coast using 14-year of MODIS data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 10.1016/j.rse.2019.04.002. SARCCM paper No 69.

I. Jalón-Rojas, X.H. Wang and E. Fredj, 2019, A 3D numerical model to Track Marine Plastic Debris (TrackMPD): sensitivity of microplastics trajectories and fate to particle dynamical properties and physical processes, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 141, 256-272. SARCCM paper No 56.


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

Z. Zhang, Y. Ma, H. Zeng, W. Zhang, S. Li, 2018, Theoretical ranging performance model that considers laser pointing errors for laser ranging systems in detecting diffusely reflecting targets, Applied Optics, 10.1364/AO.57.010426.

F. Liao and X. H. Wang, 2018, A Numerical Study of Coastal-Trapped Waves in Jervis Bay, Australia, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0106.1. SARCCM paper No 53. Q1 Journal

M. Wang, Z. Wu, F. Yang, Y. Ma, X. H. Wang, and D. Zhao, 2018, Multifeature Extraction and Seafloor Classification Combining LiDAR and MBES Data around Yuanzhi Island in the South China Sea, Sensors, 10.3390/s18113828. SARCCM paper No 60.

M. Wang and X. H. Wang, 2018, Introduction to the National Blue Bay Remediation Action Plan in China, Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs, 10.1080/18366503.2018.1534522. SARCCM paper No 58.

Y. Ma, S. Li, Y. Wu, R. Liu, X. H. Wang, X. Ma, 2018, Method for determining the footprint center of a satellite laser altimeter based on marked waveforms by CCRs, Applied Optics,10.1364/AO.57.008928. SARCCM paper No 54.

Y. Ma, R. Liu, S. Li, W. Zhang, F. Yang, and D. Su, 2018, Detecting the ocean surface from the raw data of the MABEL photon-counting lidar, Optics Express, 10.1364/OE.26.024752. SARCCM paper No 61. Q1 Journal

C. Gu, H. Li, F. Xu, P. Cheng, X. H. Wang, S. Xu, and Y. Peng, 2018, Numerical study of Jiulongjiang river plume in the wet season 2015, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 10.1016/j.rsma.2018.07.004

Y. Ma, S. Li*, W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, R. Liu, and X. H. Wang, 2018, Theoretical ranging performance model and range walk error correction for photon-counting lidars with multiple detectors, Optics Express, 10.1364/OE.26.015924. SARCCM paper No 51. Q1 Journal

D. Su, F. Yang*, Y. Ma*, K. Zhang, J. Huang, and M. Wang, 2018, Classification of coral reefs in the South China Sea by combining airborne LiDAR bathymetry bottom waveforms and topographic features, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 10.1109/TGRS.2018.2860931, SARCCM paper No 50. Q1 Journal

G. Yang, X. H. Wang, E. A. Ritchie, L. Qiao, G. Li, and Z. Cheng, 2018, Using 250-M Surface Reflectance MODIS Aqua/Terra Product to Estimate Turbidity in a Macro-Tidal Harbour: Darwin Harbour, Australia, Remote Sensing, 10.3390/rs10070997, SARCCM paper No 49.

D. Deng and E. A. Ritchie, 2018, Rainfall Characteristics of Recurving Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific. Journal of Climate, 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0415.1. Q1 Journal

L. Li, W. Guan, J. Hu, P. Cheng, and X. H. Wang, 2018, Responses of water environment to tidal flat reduction in Xiangshan Bay: part I hydrodynamics, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 10.1016/j.ecss. 2017.11.003. Q1 Journal

G. D. Gao, X. H. Wang, D. Song, X. Bao, B. S. Yin, D. Z. Yang, Y. Ding, H. Li, F. Hou, Z. Ren, 2018, Effects of wave-current interactions on suspended-sediment dynamics during strong wave events in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0259.1. SARCCM paper No 47. Q1 Journal

S. Li, W. Zhang, Y. Ma*, X. H. Wang, F. Yang, D. Su, 2018, Theoretical surface type classifier based on a waveform model of a satellite laser altimeter and its performance in the north of Greenland, Applied Optics, 10.1364/AO.57.002482. SARCCM paper No 45.

H. Zhang, H. Beggs, C. J. Merchant, X. H. Wang, L. Majewski, A. E. Kiss, J. Rodríguez, L. Thorpe, C. Gentemann, and M. Brunke, 2018, Comparison of SST Diurnal Variation Models over the Tropical Warm Pool Region, JGR Oceans. 10.1029/2017JC013517. SARCCM paper No 43. Q1 Journal

F. Liao and X. H. Wang, 2018, A study of low-frequency, wind-driven, coastal-trapped waves along the southeast coast of Australia, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0046.1. SARCCM paper No 39. Q1 Journal

Conference papers

C. Velden, T. Olander, A. Burton, J. Courtney, E. A. Ritchie, C. Stark, and J. S. Tyo, 2018: A Reanalysis of Australian Region Tropical Cyclones in the Geostationary Satellite Era. Part 1: Intensity, using the objective Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT). AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology 2018, 16-20 April, 2018, Ponte Vedre, FL, USA.

C. Stark, E. A. Ritchie, J. S. Tyo, A. Burton, J. Courtney, C. Velden, and T. Olander, 2018: A Reanalysis of Australian Region Tropical Cyclones in the Geostationary Satellite Era. Part 2: Wind radii parameters using the Deviation Angle Variance Technique (DAV-T). AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology 2018, 16-20 April, 2018, Ponte Vedre, FL, USA.

D. Deng and E. A. Ritchie, 2018: Analysis of the rainfall mechanisms in two landfalling Australian tropical cyclones. AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology 2018, 16-20 April, 2018, Ponte Vedre, FL, USA.

E. A. Ritchie, K. M. Wood, and D. L. Balukas, 2018: A Global Investigation of the Impacts of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones on Societies. AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology 2018, 16-20 April, 2018, Ponte Vedre, FL, USA.

C. Stark, E. A. Ritchie, J. S. Tyo, A. Burton, and J. Courtney, 2018: Objective reanalysis of Tropical Cyclone wind radii parameters using the Deviation Angle Variance Technique. AMOS-ICSHMO 2018, 5-9 February, 2018, Sydney, Australia.

D. Deng and E. A. Ritchie, 2018: The rainfall mechanism analysis of Tropical cyclone Oswald (2013). AMOS-ICSHMO 2018, 5-9 February, 2018, Sydney, Australia.

E. A. Ritchie, K. M. Wood, and D. L. Balukas, 2018: A Global Investigation of the Impacts of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones on Societies. AMOS-ICSHMO 2018, 5-9 February, 2018, Sydney, Australia.


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

X. H. Wang and H. Zhang, 2017, Effects of Australian Summer Monsoon on Sea Surface Temperature Diurnal Variation over the Australian North-Western Shelf, Geophysical Research Letters, 10.1002/2017GL075008. SARCCM paper No 37.

X. H. Wang, J. Gan and R. Lowe, 2017, Editorial - Sediment Dynamics of Muddy Coasts and Estuaries in China: an Introduction, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 10.1016/j.ecss.2017.11.036. SARCCM paper No 41.

J. Xiong, X. H. Wang, Y. P. Wang, J. Chen, B. Shi, J. Gao, Y. Yang, Q. Yu, M. Li, L. Yang, X. Gong, 2017, Mechanisms of maintaining high suspended sediment concentration over tide-dominated offshore shoals in the southern Yellow Sea, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 10.1016/j.ecss.2017.04.023. SARCCM paper No 38.

J. Lu, X. H. Wang, A. V. Babanin, S. Aijaz, Y. Sun, Y. Teng, K-T. Jung, F. Qiao, Modeling suspended sediments by considering the ripple-enhanced roughness under a combined wave-current stress in Jervis Bay, Australia, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0259.1. SARCCM paper No 40.

G. D. Gao, X. H. Wang, X. Bao, D. Song, X. P. Lin, L. L. Qiao, 2017, The impacts of land reclamation on suspended-sediment transport in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.07.017. SARCCM paper No 19.

S. Chen, S. Pearson, X. H. Wang, Y. Ma, 2017, Public participation in coastal development applications: A comparison between Australia and China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.11.016. SARCCM paper No 36.

W. Guo, X. H. Wang, P. Ding, J. Ge, D. Song, 2017, A System Shift in Tidal Choking due to the Construction of Yangshan Harbour, Shanghai, China, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 10.1016/j.ecss.2017.03.017. SARCCM paper No 25.

L. Y. Oey, X. H. Wang, T. Ezer, Y. Noh and A. M. Hogg, 2017, Editorial - The 7thInternational Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO 2015), Ocean Dynamics, 10.1007/s10236-017-1103-y. SARCCM paper No 42.

Y. J. Sun, I. Jalon-Rojas, X. H. Wang and D. Jiang, 2017, A coastal upwelling by wind-driven forcing in Jervis Bay, NSW: A numerical study of 2011, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 10.1016/j.ecss.2017.11.022. SARCCM paper No 24.

Z. Hu, D. Pan, X. He, D. Song, Y. Xu, Y. Bai, X. H. Wang, L. Zhang, and F. Gong, 2017, Assessment of the MCC method to estimate sea surface currents in highly turbid coastal waters from GOCI, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10.1080/01431161.2016.1268737.


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

H. Zhang, H. Beggs, L. Majewski, X. H. Wang, A. E. Kiss, 2016, Investigating Sea Surface Temperature Diurnal Variation over the Tropical Warm Pool Using MTSAT-1R Data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 10.1016/j.rse.2016.05.002. SARCCM paper No 31.

S. Pearson, W. Windupranata, S. W. Pranowo, A. Putri, Y. Ma, A. Vila-Concejo, E. Fernández, G. Méndez, J. Banks, A. M. Knights, and L.B. Firth, 2016. Conflicts in some of the World harbours: what needs to happen next?. Maritime Studies, 10.1186/s40152-016-0049-x. SARCCM paper No 35.

W. Guo, D. Song, X. H. Wang, P. Ding, J. Ge, 2016, Contributions of different tidal interactions to fortnightly variation in tidal duration asymmetry, JGR Ocean, doi:10.1002/2016JC011689. SARCCM paper No 34.

J. Hu and X. H. Wang, 2016, Progress on upwelling studies in the China seas, Reviews of Geophysics. 10.1002/2015RG000505. SARCCM paper No 21.

H. Zhang, H. Beggs, X. H. Wang, A. E. Kiss, C. Griffin, 2016, Seasonal patterns of SST diurnal variation over the Tropical Warm Pool region. JGR Oceans, 10.1002/2016JC012210, SARCCM Paper No 36.

Z. Cheng, X. H. Wang, D. Paull, and J. Gao, 2016, Application of the geostationary ocean color imager to mapping the diurnal and seasonal variability of surface suspended matter in a macro-tidal estuary. Remote Sensing, 10.3390/rs8030244. SARCCM Paper No. 33.

X. H. Wang, D. P. Wang, Sun, Z., He, Z., Liu, H., Guan, W., Chen, D., Ding, P., He, Q., Wang, H., Bao, X., Gan, J., Geyer, W. R., Li, L., Liu, J. T., Lowe, R., Winterwerp, J. C., Wolanski, E., Yin, K., You, Z. J., & Zhu, J., 2016, International scientists discuss impact on China's estuarine and coastal environment by intensive anthropogenic activities - The 2nd workshop on sediment dynamics of muddy coasts and estuaries: Physics, biology and their interactions, Zhoushan, China, 23-26 October, 2015. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 10.1016/S0272-7714(15)00342-X. SARCCM Paper No. 31.

Y. Yang, Y. P. Wang, S. Gao, X. H. Wang, B. W. Shi, L. Zhou, D. D. Wang, C. Dai, & G. C. Li, G., 2016, Sediment resuspension in tidally dominated coastal environments: new insights into the threshold for initial movement. Ocean Dynamics, 10.1007/s10236-016-0930-6. SARCCM Paper No. 32


Marbun, Saiful 2016 Fisheries Industrialisation and Blue Economy Policies in Indonesia: Impacts on Tuna Fisheries in Cilacap and Seaweed Farmers in Nusa Penida. Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, Unsw Canberra, Unsw ; Marbun, Saiful, Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, UNSW Canberra, UNSW ; Pearson, Stuart, Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, UNSW Canberra, UNSW ; Warouw, Nicolaas, Humanities & Social Sciences, UNSW Canberra, UNSW ; Wang, Xiao, Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, UNSW Canberra, UNSW. 2016 Open access

Cheng, Zhixin Application of the geostationary ocean color imager (GOCI) to mapping the diurnal and seasonal variability of surface suspended matter in a macro-tidal estuary, thesis, UNSW, UNSW Canberra.


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

Chen, S. & Pearson, S., 2015, Managing China's coastal environment: Using a legal and regulatory perspective, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 6(3), 225-230. Available at: Published with acknowledgement of SARCCM, but no number assigned.

Critchell, K., Grech, A., Schlaefer, J., Andutta, F. P., Lambrechts, J., Wolanski, E., & Hamann, M., 2015, Modelling the fate of marine debris along a complex shoreline: Lessons from the Great Barrier Reef. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 167, Part B, 414-426. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2015.10.018 . Published with acknowledgement of SARCCM, but no number assigned.

Liang, S.-k., Pearson, S., Wu, W., Ma, Y.-j., Qiao, L.-l., Wang, X. H., Li, J.-m., & Wang, X.-l. , 2015, Research and integrated coastal zone management in rapidly developing estuarine harbours: A review to inform sustainment of functions in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 116, 470-477. doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.09.014. SARCCM Paper No. 20

Ma, Y.-j., Lu, L.-s., & Pearson, S., 2015, Studies on the legal issues of environmental protection of the Jiaozhou Bay, Marine Sciences, 39(3). doi: 10.11759/hykx20140904002. No number or clear acknowledgement but published by a SARCCM member at OUC, and SARCCM member at UNSW Canberra.

Wang, X. H., Cho, Y.-K., Guo, X., Wu, C.-R., & Zhou, J., 2015, The status of coastal oceanography in heavily impacted Yellow and East China Sea: Past trends, progress, and possible futures, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 10.1016/j.ecss.2015.05.039. SARCCM Paper No. 26.

Xing, Q., Hu, C., Tang, D., Tian, L., Tang, S., Wang, X. H., Lou, M., & Gao, X., 2015, World's largest macroalgal blooms altered phytoplankton biomass in summer in the yellow sea: Satellite observations, Remote Sensing, 7(9), 12297-12313. doi: 10.3390/rs70912297. Has SARCCM affiliation but not numbered.

Zhang, H., Wu, Q., & Chen, G., 2015, Validation of HY-2A remotely sensed wave heights against buoy data and Jason-2 altimeter measurements, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 32(6), 1270-1280. 10.1175/JTECH-D-14-00194.1. SARCCM Paper No. 22.

Chen, S., 2015, The legal and regulatory framework for integrated coastal zone management: A comparison between Australia and China, July 2015, PhD. Available from:


Book Chapter

Andutta, F., Wang, X.H., Li, L. & Williams, D., 2014, Hydrodynamics and sediment transport in a macro-tidal estuary: Darwin Harbour, in: Eric Wolanski (ed.), Estuaries of Australia in 2050 and Beyond, (pp. 111-129), Springer, Dordrecht, ISBN, 978-94-007-7018-8. SARCCM Paper No. 13.

Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

Gao, G.D, Wang, X.H. & Bao, X.W., 2014, Land reclamation and its impact on tidal dynamics in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 151, 285-294. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.07.017, SARCCM Paper No. 19.

Li, L., Wang, X.H., Andutta, F. & Williams, D., 2014, Effects of mangroves and tidal flats on suspended-sediment dynamics: Observational and numerical study of Darwin Harbour, Australia, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119(9), 5854-5873, doi: 10.1002/2014JC009987. SARCCM Paper No. 17.

Wang, X.H., Bhatt, V. & Youn-Jong, S., 2014, Seasonal and inter-annual variability of western subtropical mode water in the South Pacific Ocean, Ocean Dynamics, 1-12, doi: 10.1007/s10236-014-0792-8.

Zhang, F., Wang, X.H., Nunes, P.A.L.D., & Ma, C., 2014, The recreational value of gold coast beaches, Australia: An application of the travel cost method. 11, 106-114, Ecosystem Services, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.09.001. No SARCCM assigned number.

Conference papers

Marbun, S.S., Pearson, S.,2014, Indonesian Marine Policy? Impacts of Fisheries Industrialisation and the Blue Economy Policy in AMSA 2014 Conference, presented at AMSA 2014 Conference, Canberra, 6-10 July 2014.

Putri, A., & Pearson, S., 2014, Poverty and pollution impacts in Jakarta's fishing villages (Vulnerability assessment and scenario of livability). In T. Teguh, A. Firmanti, T. Boving, A. Kitamor, & T. Imaji (Eds.), 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (pp. 34-48). Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 21-23 October 2014, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Islamic University of Indonesia and Research Institute for Human Settlements, Agency of R&D Ministry of Public Works, Indonesia. No affiliation or SARCCM Publication No. for this publication, but both PhD student and supervisor are SARCCM team members.


Book Chapter

Wang, X.H. & Andutta, F.P., 2013, Sediment transport dynamics in ports, estuaries and other coastal environments, in: A. Manning (ed.), Sediment Transport Processes and their Modelling Applications, (pp. 3 - 35), INTECH, , doi: 10.5772/51022. Available from: SARCCM Paper No. 10.

Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

Lu, J., Qiao, F., Wang, X., Teng, Y., Jung, K. & Liu, Y., 2013, Modeling the Yellow River sediment flux and its deposition patterns under climatological conditions, Ocean Dynamics, 63(6), 709-722, doi: 10.1007/s10236-013-0626-0. No SARCCM No. allocated.

Mei, H., Pearson, S. & Chen, S., 2013, Judicial experience in environmental protection: An interview with the Chief Judge of the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales, Australia, China Environmental Law Review, vol. 9, pp. 87-101. SARCCM Paper No. 8**.

Song, D. & Wang, X.H., 2013, Suspended sediment transport in the Deepwater Navigation Channel, Yangtze River Estuary, China in the dry season 2009 - Part II: Numerical simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118(10), 5568-5590, doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20411. SARCCM Paper No. 16.

Song, D., X.H. Wang, Cao, Z. & Guan, W.B. 2013, Suspended sediment transport in the Deepwater Navigation Channel, Yangtze River Estuary, China in the dry season 2009 - Part I: Observations over spring and neap tidal cycles, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118(10), 5555-5567, doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20410. SARCCM Paper No. 15.

Song, D., Wang, X.H., Zhu, X. & Bao, X., 2013, Modeling studies of the far-field effects of tidal flat reclamation on tidal dynamics in the East China Seas, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 133, 147-160, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.08.023. SARCCM Paper No. 14**.

Wang, X.H., Bhatt, V. & Sun, Y.-J., 2013, Study of seasonal variability and heat budget of the East Australian Current using two eddy-resolving ocean circulation models, Ocean Dynamics, 63(5), 549-563, doi: 10.1007/s10236-013-0605-5.

Wang, X.H., Wu, W., 2013. A review of environmental management systems in global defence sectors. American Journal of Environmental Science, 9(2), 164-181, doi: 10.3844/ajessp.2013.164.181. SARCCM Paper No. 11.

Wu, W., Wang, X. H. & D. Paull, 2013, Evaluating the Australian Defence Force stakeholder participation at Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 7(12), 1802-1830, doi: 10.1080/09640568.2013.839445. SARCCM Paper No. 12.

Zhang, F. & Wang, X.H., 2013, Assessing preferences of beach users for certain aspects of weather and ocean conditions: Case studies from Australia, International Journal of Biometeorology, 57(3), 337-347, doi: 10.1007/s00484-012-0556-4. SARCCM Paper No. 9.

Conference papers

Ng, T., Jiang, D., Jia, X., Paull, D. & Wang, X., 2013, Change detection for sustainability monitoring using satellite remote sensing data, The Third International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications (ICDIP13), Islamic Azad University, Dubai, Jan. 30 to Feb 1, 2013. SARCCM Paper No. 14*.


Li, Li, 2013, Modelling the tidal and sediment dynamics in Darwin Harbour, Northern Territory, Australia, PhD thesis. Available online:

Song, Dehai 2013, A skewness-based analysis and numerical simulations on tidal asymmetries, dynamics, and suspended sediment transport, PhD thesis. Available online:


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

Cao, Z., Wang, X.H., Guan, W., Hamilton, L.J., Chen, Q. & Zhu, D., 2012, Observations of nepheloid layers in the Yangtze Estuary, China, through phase-corrupted acoustic doppler current profiler speeds, Marine Technology Society Journal, 46(4), 60-70, doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.46.4.6.

Li, L., Wang, X.H., Williams, D., Sidhu, H.S. & Song, D., 2012, Numerical study of the effects of mangrove areas and tidal flats on tides: A case study of Darwin Harbour, Australia, Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans, 117(6), C06011-1-C06011-12, doi: 10.1029/2011JC007494. SARCCM Paper No. 8.

Sun, Y.-J., Cho, Y.-K., Park, K.-S., Yoon, S.-M. & Moon, J.-K., 2012, Simulation of brine discharge near sea farms in the Korea Strait,Desalination and Water Treatment, 43(1-3), 201-211, doi: 10.1080/19443994.2012.672171.

Zhang, F. & Wang, X.H., 2012, Assessing preferences of beach users for certain aspects of weather and ocean conditions: Case studies from Australia, International Journal of Biometeorology, 1-11, doi: 10.1007/s00484-012-0556-4. SARCCM Paper No. 9.


Meng, Zhaosu 2012, Impact of El Nino-Southern Oscillation on rice production in China, PhD thesis. Available online:

Wu, Wen 2012, Evaluating the Australian Defence Force environmental management system: A case study of Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, PhD thesis. Available online:

Zhang, Fan 2012, Benefits of regional ocean and weather forecast systems: Evidence from the Australian East Coast, PhD thesis. Available online:


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

Jiang, Maozeng, Fu, Xin, Hu, Shanchen, 2011, The development in the legal protection of Jiaozhou Bay environment, Labour and Management in Development, 11, 1-10, Available at: SARCCM Paper No. 2.

Li, L., Wang, X.H., Sidhu, H.S. & Williams, D., 2011, Modelling of three dimensional tidal dynamics in Darwin Harbour, Australia, The ANZIAM Journal, 52, C103-C123, Available at:

Liang, Q., Wang, X.H. & Lees, B.G., 2011, Community participation in the management of marine protected areas in China, Labour and Management in Development, 11, 1-10. Available at: SARCCM Paper No. 5.

Lu, J., Qiao, F.L., Wang, X.H., Wang, Y.G., Teng, Y. & Xia, C.S., 2011, A numerical study of transport dynamics and seasonal variability of the Yellow River sediment in the Bohai and Yellow Seas, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 95(1) 39-51, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.08.001.

Pearson, S., Wang, X.H. & Xue, G 2011, 'Coastal management in China and Australia-Introduction to the Special Edition (Volume 11)',Labour and Management in Development, vol. 11, pp. 1-2. Available at: SARCCM Paper No. 1.

Qiao, L., Wang, X.H., Wang, Y., Wu, D., Bao, X. & Mu, L., 2011, Winter heat budget in the Huanghai Sea and the effect from Huanghai Warm Current (Yellow Sea Warm Current), ACTA Oceanologica Sinica, 30(5), 56-63, doi: 10.1007/s13131-011-0147-y.

Song, D., Wang, X.H., Kiss, A. & Bao, X., 2011, The contribution to tidal asymmetry by different combinations of tidal constituents, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116(C12007), 1-12, doi: 10.1029/2011JC007270.

Song, Ne 2011, Emerging research in marine sociology in China, Labour and Management in Development, vol. 11, pp. 1-15. Available at: SARCCM Paper No. 7.

Wang, X.H., Qiao, F., Lu, J. & Gong, F., 2011, The turbidity maxima of the northern Jiangsu shoal-water in the Yellow Sea, China, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 93(3), 202-211, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.10.020.

Wang, X.H., Xu, X., Pearson, S., Xue, G., Morrison, R., Liu, D. & Shi, P. 2011, Integrated coastal zone management research in Australia and China, Labour and Management in Development, 11, 1-17, Available at: SARCCM Paper No. 4.

Wang, X. H., Wang, H., Guan, W., & Guo, Z., 2011, Dynamics of Chinese muddy coasts and estuaries: An introduction. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 93(3), 171-172. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.03.010 No SARCCM Number included.

Wu, W., Lo, S.-C.R. & Wang, X.H., 2011, An objective approach to reliability-based risk assessment and mitigation for coastal infrastructure development, Labour and Management in Development, 11, 1-16. Available at: SARCCM Paper No. 6.

Wu, W. & Wang, X.H., 2011, Development of an environmental performance indicator framework to evaluate an environmental management system for Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia, Labour and Management in Development, 11, 1-26. Available at: SARCCM Paper No. 3.

Zhang, F. & Wang, X.H., 2011, Estimating the potential benefits of the Integrated marine observing system on Australian commercial fisheries, Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs, 3(4), 130-135. Available at:;dn=186151625074428;res=IELBUS

Zhang, F., Wang, X.H. & Barber, E., 2011, Evaluating the potential economic benefits of the New South Wales node of Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System: (NSW-IMOS)', Sociology Study: From Knowledge to Wisdom, 1(6), 395-406.

LMD No. 11
is a Special Edition on Coastal Management in China and Australia with Guest Editors Associate Professor Stuart Pearson, Dr Xiao Hua Wang (School of Physical, Environmental and Mathematical Sciences, University of New South Wales Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy) and Professor Guifang Xue (Institute for the Law of the Sea, Ocean University of China).

This Special Edition of Labour and Management in Development continues a tradition of bringing to light innovative research and management, sometimes from researchers and places that are under-represented in English language journals. Through the support of the Australian National Library; the work of the Editor Professor Michael Hess; the English language and editorial assistance of Dr Zuojun Yu and Ms Julie Kesby; and the careful and helpful work of reviewers this Edition will now give the reader access to the existing and emerging research being conducted to inform the management of China's and Australia's coastal and ocean zones.

Labour and Management in Development Vol 11 (2011):
Special Edition: Coastal Management in China and Australia

Table of Contents/Articles:

* Coastal Management in China and Australia - Introduction to the Special Edition (Volume 11)
Associate Professor Stuart Pearson, Dr Xiao Hua Wang, Professor Guifang Xue
This is a publication of the Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management, paper number 1.

* The Development in the Legal Protection of Jiaozhou Bay Environment
Maozeng Jiang, Xin Fu, Shanchen Hu
This is a publication of the Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management, paper number 2.

* Development of an Environmental Performance Indicator Framework to Evaluate an Environmental Management System for Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia
Wen Wu, Xiao Hua Wang
This is a publication of the Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management, paper number 3.

* Integrated Coastal Zone Management Research In Australia and China
X.H. Wang, X Xu, S Pearson, G Xue, R. J. Morrison, D Liu, P Shi
This is a publication of the Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management, paper number 4.

* Community Participation in the Management of Marine Protected Areas in China
Q Liang, X.H Wang, B.G. Lees
This is a publication of the Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management, paper number 5.

* An Objective Approach to Reliability-Based Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Coastal Infrastructure Development
Wen Wu, Sik-Cheung Robert Lo, Xiao Wang
This is a publication of the Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management, paper number 6.

* Emerging Research in Marine Sociology in China
Ning'er Song
This is a publication of the Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management, paper number 7

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science Vol 93(3) 2011:

Special Issue: Dynamics of Chinese Muddy Coasts and Estuaries
Due the presence of several large rivers, China has one of the most turbid marine environments in the world along its coasts and estuaries. In addition, the nutrients and pollutants released from these large river catchments are delivered to and dispersed in the coastal sea, and their biogeochemical behaviours are greatly involved in the process of fine sediment transport, resulting in distinct physical, chemical and biological responses in the coastal environment.

With regards to the above contextual information, SARCCM has sponsored a Special Issue entitled 'Dynamics of Chinese Muddy Coasts and Estuaries' in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science published in July 2011 [ECSS, Vol 93(3)]. The special issue is a collection of the papers presented in the workshop 'Dynamics of Chinese Muddy Coasts and Estuaries' held in September 2009 in Guilin, China. There are a total of ten papers contributed to this issue as case studies of Changjiang, Huanghe and Zhujiang estuaries and Chinese muddy coasts in the Bohai, Yellow, East China and South China Seas. These papers represent the most recent advancement in Chinese estuarine and coastal sediment research.
The papers for this Special Issue included:

  • Xiao Hua Wang, Houjie Wang, Weibing Guan, Zhigang Guo, Dynamics of Chinese muddy coasts and estuaries: An introduction, pp. 171-172, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.03.010.
  • Zuosheng Yang, Youjun Ji, Naishuang Bi, Kun Lei, Houjie Wang, Sediment transport off the Huanghe (Yellow River) delta and in the adjacent Bohai Sea in winter and seasonal comparison, pp. 173-181, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.06.005.
  • Chun Zhu, Zhang-Hua Wang, Bin Xue, Pei-Song Yu, Jian-Ming Pan, Thomas Wagner, Richard D. Pancost, Characterizing the depositional settings for sedimentary organic matter distributions in the Lower Yangtze River-East China Sea Shelf System, pp. 182-191, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.08.001.
  • Gaofeng Liu, Jianrong Zhu, Yuanye Wang, Hui Wu, Jiaxue Wu, Tripod measured residual currents and sediment flux: Impacts on the silting of the Deepwater Navigation Channel in the Changjiang Estuary, pp. 192-201, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.08.008.
  • Xiao Hua Wang, Fangli Qiao, Jing Lu, Fang Gong, The turbidity maxima of the northern Jiangsu shoal-water in the Yellow Sea, China, pp. 202-211, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.10.020.
  • L.L. Qiao, Y.Z. Wang, G.X. Li, S.G. Deng, Y. Liu, L. Mu, Distribution of suspended particulate matter in the northern Bohai Bay in summer and its relation with thermocline, pp. 212-219, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.10.027.
  • Yaoling Zhang, Jinzhou Du, Fenfen Zhang, Yihua Yu, Jing Zhang, Chemical characterization of humic substances isolated from mangrove swamp sediments: The Qinglan area of Hainan Island, China, pp. 220-227, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.12.025.
  • Yan Wang, Houjie Wang, Naishuang Bi, Zuosheng Yang, Numerical modeling of hyperpycnal flows in an idealized river mouth, pp. 228-238, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.02.011.
  • Naishuang Bi, Zuosheng Yang, Houjie Wang, Dejiang Fan, Xiaoxia Sun, Kun Lei, Seasonal variation of suspended-sediment transport through the southern Bohai Strait, pp. 239-247, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.03.007.
  • L.X. Dong, W.B. Guan, Q. Chen, X.H. Li, X.H. Liu, X.M. Zeng, Sediment transport in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, pp. 248-258, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.04.003.
  • Duan Lin, XiuQin Li, HongDa Fang, YanHong Dong, ZhuoXuan Huang, JiaHui Chen, Calanoid copepods assemblages in Pearl River Estuary of China in summer: Relationships between species distribution and environmental variables, pp. 259-267, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.03.008.


Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article

Wang, X.H. & Wang, H., 2010, Tidal straining effect on the suspended sediment transport in the Huanghe (Yellow River) Estuary, China,Ocean Dynamics, 60(5),1273-1283, doi: 10.1007/s10236-010-0298-y.

Wen, Z., Lees, B.G., Jiao, F., Lei, W., & Shi, H., 2010, Stratified vegetation cover index: A new way to assess vegetation impact on soil erosion, Catena, 83(1), 87-93,doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2010.07.006.

Wu, W., Wang, X.H., Paull, D.J. & Kesby, J.A., 2010, Defence force activities in marine protected areas: Environmental management of Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 28(3), 667-676, doi: 10.1007/s00343-010-9113-3.


Bhatt,Vihang 2010, Modelling dynamics of the East Australian Current and the subtropical mode water off east coast of Australia, PhD thesis. Available online:

Zhang Zhiyu, Ma Yue*, Xu Nan, Li Song, Sun Jinyan, Wang Xiao Hua. Theoretical background noise rate over water surface for a photon-counting lidar and its application in land and sea cover classification, Optics Express, accepted.