Director's welcome:

I am pleased to welcome you to the SARCCM website. Since the year of 2010, the SARCCM website has served us well for a rapid dissemination of Centre’s research activities and outcomes both to the scientific and non-scientific coastal communities in Australia, China and the world. The website is also an excellent platform for communicating and archiving the Centre’s news, reports and articles by its members and students. It is indeed a virtual Centre that connects our Australian and Chinese nodes, as well as our other partners and friends.

The website has been professionally implemented, was diligently maintained by Ms Julie Kesby, Ms Zhixin Cheng, and is currently maintained by Dr. Yue Ma. I am very grateful to Julie, Zhixin, and Yue for their prompt and professional service. I am looking forward to your continuing support and wish you all the best. Enjoy browsing the website!

Prof. Xiao Hua Wang, Director

Prof. Wang Xiao Hua