University of New South Wales in Australia and Ocean University of China
Oceanography and Coastal Management
Objectives of the Program项目目标
The Double-Master-Degrees Program comprising the Master degree program from OUC and the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree program from UNSW will be an attractive value proposition for research students of both universities and will enhance research collaboration between UNSW and OUC. It will adopt all the aims and objectives of the two separate Master Degree programs.
Program Pathway项目课程设置
A student at OUC may undertake the Double-Master Degrees Program by using the following pathway:
- Complete all the coursework at OUC (2 years) followed by completion of MPhil thesis (1 year) at UNSW;
- The candidature period for the Double-Master-Degrees Program is normally 3 years.
- 在OUC完成所有课程(两年),之后在UNSW完成研究型硕士论文(一年);
- 项目完成期限通常为三年。
Admission Requirements入学条件
Candidates have to fulfil the admission requirements for both universities in order to gain admission to the Double-Master-Degrees Program.
Enrolment and Tuition Fee注册和学费
The Double-Master-Degrees Program student shall (re-) enrol at OUC each academic year and at UNSW only during the MPhil candidature. S/he shall pay the tuition fees charged for the Master program at each institution stipulated by the institution.
Graduation Requirements and Degrees 毕业条件和学位
Students must satisfy all the requirements (both coursework and thesis examination/thesis defence) of the individual Master degrees at both institutions. The MPhil thesis may be supervised jointly by UNSW and OUC staff. The Masters thesis may be supervised jointly by OUC and UNSW staff. Upon successful completion of all the requirements, students will be awarded with both UNSW MPhil and OUC Master degree.
学生必须分别满足双方学校的硕士学位要求,包括课程、论文、考试和论文答辩等。UNSW研究型硕士学位论文将由UNSW和OUC双方导师共同指导。 OUC硕士学位论文将由OUC和UNSW双方导师共同指导。在完成双硕士学位修读后,UNSW按其规定颁发其研究型硕士学位,OUC按其规定颁发其硕士学位。
Program Coordinators 项目负责人
- A/Prof Elizabeth Ritchie
- Dr Peifang Guo (郭佩芳博士)
- Dr. Wen Wu (武文博士)
Program Contact项目联络
A/Prof Elizabeth Ritchie
Deputy Director
The Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management
UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy
PO Box 7916
Canberra BC ACT 2610
Email: sarccm@adfa.edu.au
Website: http://pems.unsw.adfa.edu.au/SARCCM
Dr Peifang Guo and Dr Wen Wu
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Ocean University of China
No. 238, Song Ling Road, Laoshan District
Qingdao, China
Email: pfguo@ouc.edu.cn; wuwen_ouc@126.com
Prospective projects for SARCCM UNSW-OUC Double-Master degrees program candidates
Supervisor: A/Prof Xiao Hua Wang
Fluid mud layers in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary
This project will characterize the fluid mud layers in the Changjiang estuary and develop new numerical models to investigate these layers. It will examine the role of the fluid mud layers in determining coastal ocean dynamics and in transporting sediments from the river to the East China Sea.
Sediment transport dynamics in the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
Due to land clearance and grazing in the catchment areas of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) rivers, the inshore regions of the GBR are subject to enhanced fluxes of suspended sediments from river runoff, causing bleaching and disappearance of nearshore coral reefs. This project will, for the first time, combine observation and numerical models to investigate the sediment transport dynamics in the GBR region. By quantifying the sediment transport and defining its pathways from rivers to the outer shelf of the GBR, the proposed research will directly address the water quality issues of the GBR, thus help to better evaluate the impact of the land degradation on, and manage and protect the GBR marine ecosystem that offers Australia with tremendous economic, social and cultural values.
Supervisor: A/Prof Moninya Roughan
Seasonality of submesoscale processes in the East Australian Current:
Sub mesoscale eddies form on the inside edge of western boundary currents and drive productivity through cyclonic rotation and retention. Using output from a 10 year high resolution ROMS simulation of the coastal ocean along SE Australia the student will investigate variability and seasonality of submesoscale dynamics in the East Australian Current. The student will learn about dynamics of the coastal ocean and while learning skills such as how to manipulate model output using software such as Matlab.
What are the main factors driving biological variability on the continental shelf?
Fluorescence measurements (a proxy for chlorophyll) obtained from 5 years of oceanographic moorings on the continental shelf of Australia will be analyzed and related to the physical oceanographic conditions (temperature, salinity) and forcings (wind, current, eddy encroachment).
Required skills: Some knowledge of Physical oceanography and statistics; Matlab or Python programming.
Prospective projects for SARCCM UNSW-OUC Double-Master degrees program candidates
Supervisor: Dr Jan Zika
Regional sea-level rise: warming oceans or ebbing currents?
Changes in the frequency of extreme sea level events are set by changes in regional sea-level patterns. Projections of those changes are highly uncertain. Regional sea-level change patterns are caused predominantly by two processes: 1) heat being added to the ocean and 2) ocean currents changing direction (ebbing and flowing). Knowing which is controlling the patterns of change is key to developing more accurate projections. The student will analyse exciting new data from a range of state-of-the-art climate models from around the world. Novel modelling techniques will allow the student to quantify the contribution of ocean circulation and heat content to regional sea level change and help to improve model projections.
Linking the seasonal cycle of ocean water masses to transient climate change
The process of seasonal ventilation dictates the ocean’s role in climate - both present and future. Only in the last decade has a systematic understanding of seasonal ventilation become possible due to the presence of thousands of autonomous buoys (ARGO) and satellites measuring upper ocean temperature and salinity. Likewise never has the need to quantify it been more pressing.
This project will combine the latest observations to generate a quantitative picture of the formation, ventilation and destruction of cold dense water masses in both hemispheres. A key novelty of this project will be the use the water-mass transformation framework. Using this framework variability in water mass properties into that due to surface heating and cooling, evaporation and precipitation, mixing and energetic drivers such as wind forcing.
Coastal Management
Supervisor: A/Prof Liz Ritchie
Project Title: Tropical Cyclone Landfall Impacts
The impacts experienced by societies as a result of landfalling TCs are determined by a complex set of factors. These include the physical characteristics of the TC itself, including the spatial distribution of winds and rain, how the TC interacts with the bathymetry and topography of the region, the spatial and temporal patterns of landfalling events, and the socioeconomic and demographic conditions of the location at the time of landfall. It is the unique combination of these factors that determines a region’s overall vulnerability and resiliency to these potentially devastating events. However, our ability to estimate the physical characteristics of the TC, are limited by our ability to directly measure the spatial variability of the winds, rainfall, and storm surge upon, and after, landfall. In this project we will develop a climatological database of TC winds and rain using satellite-derived measurements and use it to map the winds and rain associated with landfalling TCs in Asia for the last ~40 years. We will examine their frequency, trends, inter-annual, and decadal variability.
Project Title: Using WRF to better understand the effects of tropical cyclones upon landfall
The devastating effects of tropical cyclone (TCs) upon landfall are often most closely associated with the high surface winds, heavy rains, storm surge, and the associated flooding. However, these are difficult to measure because of the high spatial variability associated with both the winds and the rain upon interaction with complex topography. In this project we will chose 1-2 of the most complex and devastating TCs in recent history and, using the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model coupled with a hydrologic model (WRF-HYDRO), we will simulate these events at very high (1-km atmospheric and 100-200-m resolution hydrologic) in order to better understand the physical mechanisms that result in extreme winds and flooding.
Supervisor: A/Prof Stuart Pearson
Blue Economic Zone
What is the Blue Economic Zone and what will its success bring to society, environment and economy? How will it be monitored and evaluated? What does this show about the research needs for China’s environmental law, science and management? [with Ma Yingjie and Chen Shengnan]
Why is eco-compensation so popular in China? What does this show about the research needs for China’s environmental law, science and management? [with Ma Yingjie]
Risk in environmental matters
How is risk of environmental research, environmental management and environmental policy considered in Australia and China? How does this contribute to biofuel policy? [with Dong Bo] How does this contribute to Antarctica’s research programs? [with Maozeng Jiang]
Values and attitudes towards the environment
Who cares? Using a social science approach, how can the values, attitudes and dreams of Australia and China’s young professionals be understood and what scenarios can be plausibly developed? Environmental research, environmental management and environmental policy considerations of young people in Australia and China. How does this contribute to government research? [also with Dr Xin Liu Yantai Institute and NSW Government]
Transitions in natural resource management
How widely and how appropriate is applying the Kuznets curve thinking in China a rational Natural Resource Management response? China’s rapid development and transition to a eco-civilisation is widely discussed as a stage requiring ‘development first and clean-up second’. What is the nature of the evidence used by narrators to justify this and what are the plausible scenarios?
Developing the matrix of users in harbours and identifying opportunities for conflict management
The objective of this project is to improve the understanding of research impact and the drivers of research investment in natural resource management in harbours. The impact of research done on natural resource management in harbours (the management of water, sediment, fisheries stocks, biodiversity and other ecosystem goods) is a fertile area that offers benefits to private and public investors around the World. However, it is also challenging to track the impact of the research investment. Because of complexity in attribution, spill-overs, discounting and program design there is considerable confusion about the marginal returns on additional research investments. There is a need to better understand how research impact can be evaluated and how improvements can be included in ongoing research programs. In this project students will develop specific case-study insights into the ways research programs procure knowledge to achieve impact from the triple bottom line perspective (social, environmental and economic)
Plausible futures for China’s harbours
Developing future scenarios is a popular activity to gather insights and build consensus on actions to increase the probability of harbours meeting stakeholders desired futures. How are these scenarios developed in Australia and China? What contribution can futures make to the way other harbours around the world are managed?
Plausible futures for Australia and China ocean policy
Does comparative analysis of Australia and China’s marine resources management approaches and scenarios for the future improve the understanding of the drivers in Australia and China’s approaches to Ocean (or Coastal) management and develop credible future scenarios to inform discussion? Complete an environmental scan to develop a systematic understanding of the drivers of ocean (or coastal) policy in Australia and China with a focus on the slow-moving variables and possible triggering events. Develop a set of scenarios that are built out of the existing evidence and trends to discuss and publish as a tool to identify opportunities and threats in Ocean policy.
The legal values of bivalves in harbours
Mussels, oysters and other bivalves in harbours that are contaminated serve an interesting legal dilemma that relates to social, economic and environmental values. The discussion of different values held by fishers, manager, government agencies and others have a legal perspective. The value of bivalves in the experience of law and the legal potential of bivalve-related law needs to be carefully considered as harbour develop, as social and economic changes occur and as the science and policy evolve. How can harbours be resilient to pressures on bivalve-related legal action? Other related topics that could be developed in this area include:
- The compensation of wild bivalve fishers in harbours?
- Using bivalves as communication objects in harbours?
- Would legal reform assist resilience of bivalve-dependent fisheries?
- Globally, bivalves are used as contaminant filters and sensors, the next steps are problematic. What works in using bivalves in Harbours?