The Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management invites applicants for a UNSW Scientia PhD Scholarship

The Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management invites applicants for a UNSW Scientia PhD Scholarship
Project name: Downscale Modelling of a Macro-Tidal Estuary under Climatic Scenarios
The rapid expansion of Australian major ports has caused concerns within both the scientific community and the general public about the possible environmental implications. Previous collaborations with China have further emphasised these environmental implications where port development is proceeding without care for the environment. It is expected that these issues will be exacerbated by climate change such as sea level rise and increased weather extremes. This research project proposed will provide an assessment of the impacts that may occur in Darwin Harbour under a changing climate, as well as an increased level of anthropogenic and environmental forcing.
Supervisory team:
Xiao Hua Wang
UNSW Canberra
The Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management | 中澳海岸带管理研究中心
Matthew England
Climate Change Research Consortium and The ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science
John Church
Climate Change Research Consortium
Scholarship term:
• Work on high quality research projects with the best supervisory teams in world class environments
• $40K a year stipend for four years
• Tuition fees covered for the full 4 year period
• Coaching and mentoring will form a critical part of your highly personalised leadership development plan
• Up to $10k each year to build your career and support your international research collaborations
To apply please follow the following link:
• Deadline for prospective applicants to contact supervisors regarding support: 21 July 2017
• Deadline for supervisors to nominate names and email addresses of a maximum of 2 applicants: 28 July 2017
• Scientia team to contact nominated applicants and invite them to apply via 'UNSW Apply Online' admission system: 4 August 2017
• Closing date for nominated applicants to submit full application: 1 September 2017
• SHARPest Committee Meeting to select successful applicants for 2018: 3 November 2017
• Offers to be made to successful applicants: 6 November 2017