SARCCM discusses Torch Collaboration with the Yellow River Delta Institute for Sustainable Development, Dongying, Shangdong

SARCCM discusses Torch Collaboration with the Yellow River Delta Institute for Sustainable Development, Dongying, Shangdong
On March 15th, at the invitation of Dongying High-level Talent Development Association, A/Prof Xiao Hua Wang, SARCCM Director, visited Dongying and discussed the bilateral cooperation. This meeting is another important bilateral event after the first visit to Australia in 2016 by the Science and Technology Delegation of Dongying Government, which has greatly facilitated Dongying’s cooperation with UNSW. The meeting was hosted by Mr Sun Bo, the Director of the Management Center, the Yellow River Delta Institute for Sustainable Development. The representatives from the Economy, Trade and Information Commission, Ocean and Fishery Bureau, Dongying Port Authority, and the Office of Economic Development participated in the discussion.
In the forum, A/Prof Wang first introduced the Torch Innovation Precinct and the Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management at the UNSW and then he presented research advances of coastal ocean modelling, sediment dynamics, and integrated coastal zone management. As feedback, participants showed strong interest to collaborate in harbour construction and coastal management. The meeting reached the following agreement to cooperate with UNSW:
1.Numerical modeling study on the Yellow River Estuary
In order to provide robust scientific basis for local government decision-making, advanced 3D modeling technology will be applied to establish a numerical model of the Yellow River Estuary and to simulate its hydrodynamics, sediment transport, scouring and silting, and also riverbed evolution.
2. Implementation of river-related environmental engineering projects
Collaborative research on the Yellow River Estuary ecosystem, the Yellow River channel restoration and stabilization, and Yellow River Delta wetland remediation is highly desired.
3.Support services for development and management of the Yellow River Delta
UNSW experts are to be invited to form a joint Research Consortium. The Centre will conduct joint research on harbour and coastal management including field study and harbour/port construction project consultation, implementation, and feasibility analysis. The Centre is expected to provide scientific method and technical guidance for the Yellow River Estuary remediation and sustainable development of the Yellow River delta.
4.Make arrangement for an International River Delta Forum
Dongying will invite experts and scholars from both at home and abroad who engaged in remediation, construction and protection of major rivers and deltas to carry scientific research and academic exchanges on the topic of delta development and protection, and most importantly, to put forward ideas for regional sustainable development of the Yellow River delta.
5.Plan to establish a municipality-university joint entity
We will promote the cooperation between Dongying and the University of New South Wales and creatively attempt to establish a municipality-university joint entity for personnel training, technology transfer, project cooperation.