Green algae in the Southern Yellow Sea, China

The image shows transport of the green algae from Jiangsu Coast to Shandong Peninsular from 20 May to 13 June. The image suggests: 1) the source of the green algae seems to be originated from the Northern Jiangsu Shoal; 2) the area covered by the algae has been expanding rapidly north-eastward, and had covered almost entire Southern Yellow Sea by 13 June; 3) a recirculation pattern is visible that has formed a clockwise gyre first carrying the green algae offshore from early June and then transporting it south-westward back to the source of the origin. From the image, it can be predicted that the green tide can reach Qingdao coast within days.
The source of image: Dr. Xing Qianguo, Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone of Chinese Academy of Sciences.