Welcome Prof. Yongming Jin, New SARCCM OUC Co-Lead

SARCCM warmly welcomes and congratulates Professor Yongming JIN in his appointment as the new SARCCM Co-leader at Ocean University of China, effective immediately. SARCCM farewells SARCCM OUC Co-leader Prof Xueguang Ma and wishes him all the best for his new career in Tianjin, China. We expresses our sincere gratitude to Prof Ma for his leadership and service to SARCCM since September 2018.
Prof. Yongming JIN is a Doctor of Law and Postdoctoral in Theoretical Economics. Currently, he is a professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of International Affairs and Public Administration in Ocean University of China, and director of Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management (OUC). Prof. Jin also serves as a director of the Chinese Society of International Law, a standing director of Chinese Association for Japanese Studies, a standing director of China Association of Marine Affairs, a director of the Marine Strategy Research Office in Academy of Ocean of China; a vice president of Shanghai Association for Japanese Studies, a vice president of Shanghai Institute for International Strategic Studies. Prof. Jin has published more than 80 journal papers and 11 books on issues related to the law of the sea.