UNSW-OUC Joint PhD Agreement Launched

Ocean University of China and the University of New South Wales share an ongoing commitment to cooperative research collaboration as indicated in the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 6 November 2020. The UNSW-OUC Joint PhD Agreement was finally signed off by both OUC and UNSW on 26 November 2020. SARCCM has played a major role in brokering this major collaborative initiative. The UNSW-OUC Joint PhD Program allows candidates to undertake a PhD jointly provided by the two institutions. The Candidate is required to spend a total of at least 12 months of equivalent full-time (FTE) candidature at each of the Lead Institution and the Partner Institution during the PhD program; and the Candidate will be enrolled concurrently at both Institutions for each year of the candidature. Subject to satisfactory completion of all award requirements at both Institutions, the Candidate will be awarded a Doctor Degree at OUC and a Doctor of Philosophy at UNSW. While Joint PhD Program is offered to students in all discipline areas, students in oceanography and coastal management are strongly encouraged to apply.