SSCI Newsletter - Oceanography Field School Report 2022
SSCI runs Oceanography 3 Field School in Jervis Bay each year as part of our Oceanography program. Due to a staff tested positive for COVID-19, the field school to Jervis Bay scheduled in April during the Orange Book period was canceled. In order to catch up this important ocean-going experience for the graduating Oceanography 3 class, we ran an one-day catch-up field trip to Batemans Bay on 24 May.
The field school was successfully executed by the Oceanography students and staff, including activities such as project planning, sediments, currents and temperature/salinity/density measurements in the Bay. The students deployed the ADCP in the inner Bay, collected the salinity/temperature/density and sediment samples at fixed stations using the CTD and grab sampler. Four phone drogues were placed near the long beach to detect the wave-driven current and nearshore circulation.
The tasks designed aimed to understand sediment dynamics and hydrodynamic processes including: 1) sediment distribution and transport; 2) wave-driven current; 3) river plume and flood impact on water quality and estuarine circulation in Batemans Bay.
The field school was supported by the School covering transport, boating and other related expenses.

Oceanography 3 classes, PhD student Gang Yang and their instructors (Thomas Oliver and Hua Wang) ready to set off for the cruise on the RV Falcon.

Deploying the ADCP to measure ocean currents.