SARCCM Visited Qingzhou University, Guangxi, China

SARCCM Visited Qingzhou University, Guangxi, China
On 21 March 2017, SARCCM Director, A/Prof Xiao Hua Wang visited Qingzhou University (QU), Guangxi, China. Dr Bin Yang, the Deputy Director of the Guangxi Key Laboratory of Beibu Gulf Marine Disaster Research, QU, extended his warm welcome to A/Prof. Xiao Hua Wang’s visit. Prof Gu Huang, the Vice-President of QU, delivered a short introduction about QU, and also sent his sincere welcome to A/Prof Wang. A/Prof Wang first introduced the Torch Innovation Precinct and the Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management at the UNSW and then he gave a lecture titled “Dynamics responses of estuaries to human interventions: A brief story of recent coastal development where things have gone right and wrong”, followed by discussion with the audience.
The discussion produced the following points:
a) QU will seek to sign a formal collaboration framework with UNSW.
b) Explore to jointly establish a Research Consortium of Transformation for Urban Ports and Harbours (TUPAH).
c) SARCCM helps QU to train its young researchers as postdocs and visiting fellows to UNSW Canberra.
d) The two parties seek to share research outcomes, such as publications and awards, from the collaborated research projects.