Report from Stuart Pearson on World Harbour Project meeting in Xiamen

SARCCM extends research through more than 31 of the World Harbours
Stuart Pearson presented a synthesis of research done in the World Harbour Project (an Australian Universities Consortium) and SARCCM groups at Xiang'an Campus, Xiamen University in China. With Karen Alexander from UTAS they could report on the multiple users working group that brings human and management perspectives to otherwise biophysical focus of the project. In a presentation studded with PhD students work Shengnan Chen and Amanda Putri’s projects, and Saiful Marbun and Maozeng Zhang understanding of Australian, Indonesian and China’s marine management we could show the value of multi-harbour comparisons. We have identified a key research gap is in harbour futures and the possibility of applying (with EU collaborators for a larger project such as Biodiversa to examine the plausible futures of future harbor biodiversity management.
Dehai Song was also there representing Ocean University China (Qingdao) and he sends his best wishes to everyone at PEMS
Prof Keliang Chen, from the Third Institute of Oceanography (specialising in coastal and management issues) hosted a short workshop and visit to the APEC marine management labs. Keliang Chen (front row right side) was a visiting fellow here at UNSW Canberra, you might remember he gave an excellent Maritime Road introduction seminar. He was here researching ecosystem goods and service methods and has gone on to apply these ideas in China’s massive eco-compensation programs.