Professor Xiao Hua Wang elected to co-chair IWMO International Steering Committee from 2022-2026

International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO) 2022 Group Photo
During the 12th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (28 June - 1 July 2022) in Michigan University Ann Arbor, USA, Professor Xiao Hua Wang was elected as the next co-chair of the International Steering Committee of IWMO for 2022-2026. The other co-chair elected was Professor Tal Ezer from Old Dominion University, USA.
The IWMO is a prestigious and coherent international ocean modelling group, with the first IWMO workshop originally held in 2009 with the goal that modelers and observationalists interested in ocean processes and effects on surroundings can exchange their latest research and wide-ranging ideas in an intellectually rewarding and relaxing environment. The IWMO focuses on all aspects of ocean and coupled air-wave-sea, ice and current-sediment modeling: processes, analysis and prediction. The IWMO workshop holds annual workshop participated by around 100 ocean modellers and observationalists world wide.