Presentation of UNSW-OUC Double-Master-Degrees Program at OUC

The program coordinator, Prof Xiao Hua Wang from UNSW and A/Prof Wen Wu from OUC introduced UNSW-OUC Double-Master-Degrees program.
A presentation meeting of UNSW-OUC Double-Master-Degrees Program to potential students was conducted at the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences (COAS), OUC, Qingdao, on 15 March 2018. More than a dozen students including 4th year undergraduate as well as 1st year Master students mainly from COAS participated in this meeting. The program coordinator A/Prof Wen Wu from OUC also participated in the meeting. Prof Xiao Hua Wang from UNSW introduced UNSW Canberra and the Program. After the presentation, a face-to-face discussion was conducted between program coordinators and the students. The students have expressed strong interest in this program and looked forward to joining it in the near future.