China Blue Bay Remediation Action Plan Workshop
China Blue Bay Remediation Action Plan Workshop
On 12 May China released its long-awaited Blue Bay Remediation Action Plan. The Ministry of Finance will allocate subsidies to a few cities which meets the assessment criteria. RMB 400million (approx. A$ 80 million) for cities like Dalian, Qingdao, Ningbo, Xiamen, and Shenzhen. RMB 300million (approx. A$ 60 million) for other cities.
The Scope of Work of the Media Release overlaps with existing activities and expertise of SARCCM community to a great extent and addresses our call to tackle urgent issues facing China’s coastal environment in our recent ECSS editorial (Wang et al, 2016).
SARCCM is calling for this coordinating workshop entitled “胶州湾暨全国蓝色海湾整治行动顶层方案设计研讨会 (China Blue Bay Remediation Action Plan Workshop)”in Qingdao on 4 June. See the attached agenda below. The objective of the workshop is to form a group of willing partners to develop a national strategy and oversee/guide its implementation at the local level. Hope you can come to attend this workshop and support this initiative.
China Blue Bay Remediation Action Plan Workshop, Qingdao, 4 June
1, Welcome by Wu Lixin – OUC Vice President Research (Academician)
2, 蓝色海湾整治行动Blue Bay Action Plan –曹丛华/赵鹏, North Sea Branch, SOA
3, World Harbour Project – Peter Steinberg, CEO, Sydney Institute Marine Science (TBC)
4, 都市海湾环境演变及生态化改造联合研究中心 (TUPAH) – Xiao Hua Wang, SARCCM
5, Jiaozhou Bay – Liang Shengkang, OUC
6, Hangzhou Bay – He Zhiguo, ZJU
7, Xiamen Bay – Chen Keliang,TIO and Dong Yun-Wei, XU
8, Lanzhou Bay – Bob You, Ludong Uni/YIC
9, Discussion
a, how this community can contribute to this National Plan;
b, how different cities can work together to action this Plan holistically;
c, how this community can work with local and national governments/industry to achieve a best outcome of the Plan