OUC SARCCM Symposium 2022

On November 6th,
2022, the 2nd Symposium on Marine Spatial
Planning and Integrated Coastal Management was
convened online by the Sino-Australian Research
Consortium for Coastal Management (SARCCM) of
OUC and the School of International Affairs and
Public Administration (SIAPIA) of OUC—exactly
one year after the 1st symposium.
Attendees of the 2nd symposium added up to a
total of around 100 scholars and experts from
institutions and organizations across China,
e.g., the Ministry of Natural Resources of
China, National Ocean Technology Center,
National Marine Data and Information Service,
Nanjing University, and Xiamen University.
During the symposium, OUC Vice President Dr. Liu
Yong highlighted that coastal management is a
vital topic meriting long-term multidisciplinary
and interdisciplinary research, on which OUC has
unique research basis and advantages. Dr.
Liu expressed his hope that, through the
platform of SARCCM and this symposium, China’s
research community of coastal management could
bring about new insights, ideas, approaches, and
methods for advancing both the research,
practice, and governance toward coastal
sustainability. Dr. Feng Lei, Deputy
Director-General of the Department of Marine
Strategic Planning and Economics, Ministry of
Natural Resources of China, made a welcome
speech, emphasizing the critical importance of
marine spatial planning and coastal management
for China’s marine sustainability. Dr.
Feng expressed his hope for SARCCM to contribute
more to advancing marine sustainability research
to help China to build maritime power and marine
eco-civilization. Experts with both
natural sciences and social sciences backgrounds
made eleven insightful presentations, and
attendees had heated discussions during the
one-day-long symposium.