UNSW-OUC SARCCM Working Meeting 2022

Firstly, the OUC director of SARCCM, Dr. Jin Yongming, reported the past and ongoing activities, and proposed potential areas and directions for OUC and UNSW to deepen future cooperation. Followingly, Mrs. Wang Linshu, deputy director of OUC’s International Office, elaborated on SARCCM’s function orientation and its distinctions with other OUC international cooperation platforms, and also introduced different forms of international collaboration and potential collaborators. Next, Dr. Zheng Xiaotong (deputy dean of College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, OUC) and Mr. Ma Aidong (office director of Institute of Marine Development, OUC) introduced their institutions and resources relevant to SARCCM, and proposed potential activities for advancing future collaboration with SARCCM. Finally, Dr. Wang Xiao Hua, SARCCM’s UNSW director, reviewed the fruitful history of SARCCM since its establishment in 2010 and also talked about how UNSW and OUC can work together to enhance collaborative research and student training. After these formal presentations, the attendees had a heated discussion on the proposed issues and ideas. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Jin Yongming highly appreciated the discussion and summarized the five things reaching a consensus of the attendees that should be implemented in the near future. The 2022 SARCCM working meeting ended in a warm atmosphere.