2021 Oceanography Field School at Lake Burley Griffin

Oceanography 2&3 classes and their instructors ready to set off for the field school in front of MV Maid Marion.
SSCI runs Oceanography 2&3 Field School in Jervis Bay each year as part of our Oceanography program. Due to travel restriction imposed by COVID-19, the field school was run locally on Lake of Burly Griffin this year. The field school was successfully executed by the Oceanography students and staff over period of five days including activities such as project planning, water quality, currents and temperature/salinity measurements on the lake, and classroom presentations of the project findings. The students were split into three groups carried out mooring deployments of one ADCP, two Nephelometers and one Seabird wave gauge at fixed locations, as well as T/S/DO measurements along transects from Molonglo River to Scrivener Dam on MV Maid Marion. The tasks designed aimed to measure and understand hydrodynamic processes including: 1) Sediment resuspension and water quality; 2) River flows and lake circulation in response to wind forcing; 3) Wave dynamics, and 4) Diurnal warming and wind mixing.
The field school was supported by the Defence covering transport and boating expenses.
Interrogating the wave gauge.
Ready to deploy the ADCP to measure currents.
A good day for CTD casting.
Heavy lifting to deploy the nephelometer.