1st Workshop of Coastal Community Resilience at UNSW Canberra
November, 18 2023, Gang Yang
In a groundbreaking initiative, the 1st Workshop of the Coastal Community Resilience and Asia Pacific Development Security Research Group (APD) is held in School of Science, UNSW Canberra, which brought together experts from diverse fields to engage in a dynamic interdisciplinary dialogue on coastal management and resilience. The aim is to build an international team to bid for an Ocean Decade Programme under United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 entitled 'Building resilience of coastal communities against climate change and anthropogenic impacts'-- Marine Ecosystem Restoration and Management (https://oceandecade.org/decade-actions/).
The meeting showcased a robust exchange of ideas and strategies to address the challenges posed by climate change. Participants emphasized the imperative for a holistic understanding of coastal issues (e.g. sea level rise, land subsidence, coastal erosion, marine heatwaves, flooding, remote sensing/AUV, hazard risk mapping and ML, ocean renewable energy), recognizing the need for strong leaders to guide initiatives in the complex field of coastal resilience. The conversation also navigated the delicate balance between global and regional perspectives, acknowledging the intersection of geopolitical competition with changes in oceanic systems. Funding emerged as a crucial element, with participants exploring grant applications and potential collaborations with universities. The workshop also addressed the practicalities of collaboration, emphasizing the importance of effective and streamlined communication among participants. Looking ahead, participants outlined future steps, including hosting following workshops to refine research goals and develop a shared document.