SARCCM welcomes two Visiting Fellows from China

Dr Qianguo Xing is from Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. He will collaborate with the SARCCM Remote Sensing/GIS group with a research topic entitled 'Optimizing the algorithms of extracting the information of macroalgal blooms'. Dr Xing is sponsored by the China Scholarship Council, and will be visiting SARCCM for 12 months.

A/Prof. Zhanhai Li is from the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. He will collaborate with A/Prof. Hua Wang on the World Harbour Project to investigate sediment transport in Shanghai Port. A/Prof. Li is jointly sponsored by ECNU and SIMS, and will be visiting SARCCM for 5 months.