Wenjun Zhu won the Best Student
Presentation Awards at XMAS 202
Jan 20, 2025, Ling Meng
In the 7th
Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences
(XMAS) held during 14-17th
January 2025 in Xiamen China, Elaine
(Wenjun) Zhu, a PhD student supervised by Prof. Xiao
Hua Wang in the School of
Science at UNSW Canberra, won the First Prize in the
Best Student Presentation
Awards. Her presentation, entitled "Changes in
Climate-Change-Induced Major
Flood Levels in the Georges River Estuary,
Australia" in Session 24
‘Estuaries and Coastal Environments’ was selected from
462 total student presentations
(179 oral and 283 poster presentations), placing her
achievement in the top 1%
of all student participants. This
award selection process involved scoring by 408
international oceanography
experts, followed by a
second-round assessment by a panel of 9 review
2025 XMAS is a
globally renowned platform
for marine researchers and scholars to share
cutting-edge studies on topics
such as climate change, ocean sustainability, and
ecosystem dynamics. More than 1700 international
participants from all continents attended the
Symposium. The recognition at this highly
international event highlights the significance and
quality of Elaine’s
exceptional research on regional climate change
impacts on coastal and
estuarine environment, and underscores the high
caliber of her academic

(Group photos of the First-Prize winner)

(Elaine (Wenjun) Zhu was giving a presentation in XMAS2025)